(985) 515-8939

5 Benefits of Stump Grinding Services

You’ll have seen many differing stump-removal processes advertised. Want to know why stump grinding is your best bet? Keep reading.

Key Takeaways 

  • Grinding a stump leaves more nutrients in the soil. It also deters pathogens, fungi, and bacteria from forming, which means more eco-friendliness.
  • Between it being a straightforward service that only takes one professional visit and less cleanup time, you’ll get to enjoy your yard sooner.
  • The process of grinding requires fewer tools and steps, and reducing labor costs means a more cost-effective solution. 

How Stump Grinding Gives Back Beyond Freeing Up Yard Space

Trees are towering structures that implement rustic charm into any location. Stumps, however, are nothing more than a tree’s unsightly remains. Rather than let it become a tripping hazard and pest harborer, opt for stump grinding services. 

At Jack’s Tree Service, we’ve spent years perfecting our methods when removing these landscaping eyesores. That includes hauling them away, burning them, using chemical decomposition treatments, and grinding them into mulch. Below, our stellar Franklinton, Louisiana, team will dig a little deeper into that last method – stump grinding. 

1. Stump Grinding Leaves Nutrients in the Soil 

Grinding professionals shred the tree base so that the wood fibers can divide into smaller pieces. This process allows the pieces to decompose faster. The arborists then spread the shreds over your banks or garden so they can release nutrients and organic matter back into the soil.

In turn, this type of mulching acts as a fertilizer. Nearby plants receive: 

  • Potassium
  • Nitrogen 
  • Carbon 
  • Phosphorus

However, this nutrient boost is only one of the benefits. 

2. More Environmental Friendliness Than Other Methods

It’s true that the grinding approach allows for less waste and better soil nutrients. However, it’s also an environmentally wise decision for other reasons. 

For instance, imagine leaving the stump and roots to decay and produce harmful pathogens, fungal spores, and bacteria. Healthy plants nearby may experience root rot as a result. The pathogens could also spike or deplete soil nutrients, causing an imbalance the same way chemical solutions would.

Grinding is better than fully removing the stump and relocating it, too. Arborists perform stump grinding without lifting the stump from the soil and disturbing nearby foliage. It also keeps the team from driving to a landfill or yard waste facility, lowering gas usage and carbon emissions. 

3. An Immediate Fresh Look for Your Yard

Are you trying to be more than just eco-friendly? Many residents want instant solutions for aesthetic appeal. They want to bring to light their landscaping ideas, which may include planting new greenery. 

Unfortunately, they cannot do that if a stump takes over the land. Luckily, on top of soil preparation for those new plantings, grinding immediately eradicates the obstacle. It’s better than chemical decomposition treatments, too.

Chemical treatments take four to six weeks to break down a small to medium-sized stump. Larger stumps with a diameter of two feet or more could even take months to completely break down.

4. A Cost-Effective Method That Goes Easy on Your Wallet

Aside from physical appeal, the most important thing to keep your eyes on is your stump-removal budget. Stump grinding is cheaper than a root extraction process, in which the arborists uproot the stump. The former takes less energy and fewer tools. 

Why? Any excavation project – like root extraction – demands backhoes, excavators, and other heavy-duty equipment. The team also needs:

  • Digging tools to expose the root system
  • Chainsaws to cut through large roots
  • Lifting equipment like ropes

Excavation is time-consuming and requires more tools than a grinding process. With the latter, a professional simply positions a stump grinder over the stump and chips away at it. 

5. Easier Cleanup-Time for Faster Landscape Recovery

Root extraction after tree removal is time-consuming. However, that is true not only throughout the actual process. Afterward, the cleanup takes longer, too. 

Stump grinding scatters wood chips and demands post-service cleanup. However, clearing away the wood chips still takes much less time than filling a gaping hole left by roots. Hole filling would require time and hard labor to backfill the soil, whereas grinding a stump just leaves the roots in place, so there’s little to no hole to fill. 

How We Can Help in Franklinton!

Has a recent tree-cutting service left you needing a stump grinding service? If so, how can you tell the right method for removing it? We can help.

Our skilled professionals have earned countless five-star reviews and recognition doing all sorts of stump remediations, from removals to grindings. Best of all, we value honor and communication. We’ll walk you through your options while listening to your concerns and showing the utmost respect. 

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of stump grinding services or schedule an upcoming session? Contact Jack’s Tree Service at (985) 515-8939. We’ll start you off with a free quote today!


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