(985) 515-8939

7 Advantages of Forestry Mulching

If you have a lot of land full of trees, you might wonder how you go about clearing it. You need a forestry mulching team on your side. Forestry mulching can remove overgrown and dangerous tree growth, turning a plot of unusable land into something you can develop. The team from Jack’s Tree Service is here to discuss some of the many advantages of forestry mulching land management services to help you learn more about this useful option.  

What Is Forestry Mulching?

Forestry mulching is a land-clearing technique for removing thick or overgrown trees, shrubs, and vegetation from land. Experts perform forestry mulching and vegetation clearing with special equipment that removes heavy growth and grinds it into a mulch. Mulch production from brush shredding leaves behind nutrient-rich organic matter to enhance soil health and improve land aesthetics. 

Forestry mulching is different from land clearing in one important aspect. Land clearing just gets rid of the vegetation, while forestry mulching turns that vegetation into usable materials. 

This method comes with numerous advantages, including the following.

Advantage 1: Affordability

Forestry mulching is much more affordable than most methods because of just how quickly it goes. Using a brush mulcher is much faster than other clearing methods. Assuming flat ground and normal access conditions, it takes about eight to 10 hours to clear three acres of land with forestry mulching. For thinner vegetation, the time is even lower. That means you can completely clear your plot of land in about a single workday — pretty quick by most standards. These low time requirements mean that you’ll spend less money overall since you won’t need contractors for as long.

Advantage 2: Erosion Prevention

One of the main benefits of forestry mulching is erosion control. Typically, land that has been cleared is more susceptible to erosion because there is no vegetation holding the soil together. With forestry mulching, the mulched remains of the vegetation serve as a protective barrier, preventing moisture and root loss that contribute to soil erosion. The layer of mulch also stops rainwater from washing away topsoil layers during heavy storms.

Advantage 3: Better Soil Health

The mulch from forestry mulching eventually starts to break down, providing the soil with a natural source of important nutrients like potassium, nitrogen, and sulfur. Additionally, the mulch can serve as a food source for specific microbes and insects whose activity promotes soil health. In other words, the layer of mulch can create its own ecosystem, providing soil enrichment. 

Advantage 4: Less Equipment

One understated benefit of forestry mulching is that it uses much less equipment. With traditional removal, you also need wood chippers, excavators, and shears to break up the land and trucks to haul all the vegetation away. With forestry mulching, a single machine can perform all these functions, and you only need the brush mulcher to chew up the trees and spit out the mulch.

Advantage 5: Eco-Friendly

Forestry mulching is also highly eco-friendly for two main reasons. First, since mulching takes less equipment, it has a lower environmental impact. You don’t have to worry about emissions and refuse from all the other machines and trucks — you only have to worry about the brush mulcher. 

Second, the mulch itself has regenerative properties that contribute to a healthy ecosystem. Completely clearing land can rob the soil of its health by removing dead vegetation, the soil’s main source of nutrients. With forestry mulching, you get the benefit of cleared land in addition to an eco-friendly outcome. 

Advantage 6: Remove Invasive Species

Dense, overgrown vegetation is often a haven for a wide variety of invasive insects and animals, ranging from termites and beetles to chipmunks and squirrels. Clearing the underbrush using forestry mulching removes the harmful species that can damage trees and land. 

For example, clearing underbrush and bushes can outright kill pests in the soil or remove their main food source of decaying wood. Mulching is a much safer method of removing pests than using pesticides or performing controlled burns. 

Advantage 7: Prevent Fires

Forestry mulching can also reduce fire hazards. Tangled, thick underbrush are prime targets for fires, especially during the dry season. Removing the amount of dead vegetation around your home can protect it from fires, and the mulch layer retains moisture, making it less prone to catching on fire compared to dry land. 

Your Trusted Forestry Mulching Service in Franklinton

If you have an unruly plot that needs taming, consider contacting Jack’s Tree Service. We have built a reputation as an honest and hard-working contractor suitable for any tree job you have in mind. Our forestry mulching services can have your overgrown land cleared and ready for use in no time. We promise to provide punctual and high-quality tree care and maintenance services every time. 

Send a message online or call today at (985) 515-8939 to request a free quote for forestry mulching in Franklinton!


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